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About  Me

I was born in Broken Hill.


My previous work experience includes banking and direct sales, in both customer service and management roles. I also spent a period working in public relations.


I am married for the second time. Our ceremony was performed by a celebrant, we wrote our own vows and had the ability to tailor the service to our requirements.


After my retirement, which was early for health reasons, I decided to become a marriage celebrant. My reasons? 


  •  I love to craft individual and meaningful ceremonies tailored to suit each couples’ tastes and situations.


  •  I wished to give of myself and my life experience.


  •  I like to help others, at what can be a stressful time, make their day memorable for all the right reasons.


  •  I believed that becoming a celebrant would bring me joy, and help me bring it into others’ lives as well.


  •  I was looking for meaningful ways to enrich my life and to give back to others.

As a marriage celebrant, I recognise the social, cultural and legal significance of marriage and the marriage ceremony in the Australian community, and the importance of strong and respectful family relationships.


I am committed to maintaining the privacy, security &confidentiality of all my dealings with you as your Marriage Celebrant, including your documentation & any communications I may have with you. 


I look forward to making your wedding as special and unique as you are.

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